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Re: RFC: some new deb package flag: "upgrade-conflicts"

Erich Schubert <erich@debian.org> immo vero scripsit:

> Actually i like the idea of providing "postinst" and "postrm" scripts
> for the users, too. I could have used this for galeon, although the
> wrapper was there anyway and the cleaner solution.

I'd guess that would be nice.

Formalizing a place where user homedir upgrading scripts might be 
a start.

We currently don't provide any control over dotfiles found in 
user home directories, and we leave any conflicts as they happen.
I'd like some kind of scripting system.

something like upgrade-dotconf program, 
which runs everything it finds under
/usr/lib/upgrade-dotconf/[dot-conf upgrade checking programs] ?



dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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