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Re: DebConf 2 post-mortem

On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 05:13:15PM -0500, Chris Lawrence wrote:
> On the same token, I don't think short-sighted political posturing
> should determine the location of DebConf; I certainly can cite all
> sorts of draconian laws in virtually every country in the world that
> any developer could probably be arrested for violating if someone were
> bored enough to enforce them, and nobody's ever made a convincing
> argument to me that if $EVIL_CORPORATION wanted $DEVELOPER in jail
> they'd particularly care where he was at the time.

Moreover, while I can understand the position of those who opt not to
visit the US for conferences, it's also my impression that the number of
developers who hold this view is relatively small -- and certainly
dwarfed by the number of DDs currently living in the US alone.  So while
having the North American conference in Canada at least part of the time
seems like a good idea for a number of reasons, I don't think the
political climate is enough of an issue to NEVER hold DebConf in the US.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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