At Thu, 27 Jun 2002 10:30:43 -0500,
Steve Langasek wrote:
> > I setup new debian and debian-non-US mirror on
> > Different from usual mirror site, it provides daily snapshot since 2002/06/04.
> > It uses pdumpfs to backup debian & debian-non-US daily.
> > I think this is useful in case you got broken version of package and
> > you want to get old working version of package without searching around
> > delayed debian mirror sites.
> > It already has 3-weeks of debian & debian-non-US, and I estimate
> > it could have more than half year of debian & debian-non-US with
> > current rate of package updates.
> From time to time, packages must be removed from the archive because it
> is discovered that we cannot legally distribute them. This means that
> it is also illegal for them to be distributed from an archive snapshot.
> You may want to think about this issue, if you haven't already.
Oh, I didn't think of it.
I subscribed to get such information,
and I already subscribed debian-legal.
Is there any other good channel for such kind of issues?
Anyway, I believe this is very rare case, and if you would notice such case,
please let me know.
Fumitoshi UKAI
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