are uploads to frozen/testing possible?
This is not a theoretical interest only, unfortunately :(.
The trouble is that releasing fvwm 2.4.5-2 I moved binaries to
/usr/bin from /usr/X11R6/bin according to policy. The thing I forgot
to do, and which I did only in 2.4.7-2, was replacing
/usr/bin/X11/fvwm2 in menu file shipped with fvwm.
fvwm 2.4.6-2 is now in testing, 2.4.8-1 in unstable.
The thing I would like to do is to take 2.4.6-2 files delete 'X11/'
from debian/menu, rebuild it and 2.4.6-3 and upload to
The question is: what is really possible?
Alexander Kotelnikov
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
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