On Fri, Jun 28, 2002 at 01:10:51AM +0900, Fumitoshi UKAI wrote:
> At Thu, 27 Jun 2002 10:30:43 -0500,
> Steve Langasek wrote:
> > From time to time, packages must be removed from the archive because it
> > is discovered that we cannot legally distribute them. This means that
> > it is also illegal for them to be distributed from an archive snapshot.
> > You may want to think about this issue, if you haven't already.
> Oh, I didn't think of it.
> I subscribed to get such information,
> and I already subscribed debian-legal.
> Is there any other good channel for such kind of issues?
You can monitor and (I don't know if either of
these is "official", but they've been stable for some time). There's
also a QA mail alias which gets notified when packages are removed for
the purpose of cleaning up bugs, which it might be possible to subscribe
you to; talk to Martin Michlmayr, I think.
Colin Watson []
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