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Re: should automake1.6 "provide" automake?

Stefan Schwandter <e9925373@student.tuwien.ac.at> immo vero scripsit:

> > unfortunately, old scripts using automake 1.5 WON'T WORK with
> > automake 1.6 - so it break everything.
> I haven't tested this extensively - but I know of at least one Makefile.am/configure.in
> written for automake 1.5 / autoconf 2.13 which _does_ work with
> automake 1.6 / autoconf 2.50, so this statement can't be true _in
> general_ :-)

The real statement is that one has to be very careful
about what to write for the scripts to work with automake 1.4/5/6.

Following what documentation says on each version does not 
create a portable script.
You have to know what is accepted (although undocumented) in
each version.


dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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