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Re: Why does modules.conf go in /etc, anyway?

On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 04:55:52PM +0100, Gordon Russell wrote:
> How about this for setserial?
>  o change the priority in /etc/rcS.d
>  o by default have no serial.conf file in /etc.
>  o use of /var for policy breakage stuff
   o an additional init.d system at the old priority to support people
     who need high-priority serial.conf configuration, but they have
     to use a hand-crafted /etc/serial.conf file.

I have tested this and am uploading this to ftp-master. Could people try this
out with an air of caution. Seemed to work ok for me. Your configurations
may break it of course. It should automatically convert old serial.conf files
to the new way of thinking automatically when required, erring on the side
of caution...

Gordon Russell
PGP Public Key - http://www.dcs.napier.ac.uk/~gor/pgpkey.txt

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