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Re: Why does modules.conf go in /etc, anyway?

Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 01:03:58PM +0800, Grahame Bowland wrote:
>> > (Seriously, we could. "Is /var mounted locally?" with a low priority,
>> > and a default answer based on grep'ing /etc/fstab, followed by a question
>> > about an alternative location that needs to be looked at by packages
>> > that run early. Something like:
>> What if /var is moved onto a seperate partition once the installation is 
>> running? 

> Then you should be asked where you want such files earlier, rather than
> later, see my other messages in this thread.

Should I really have to remember two after the initiall install, that
I had chosen the wrong answer on a small debconf question?

>> It seems sane to leave the files in /etc where they're certainly going to be 
>> on the root partition, rather than creating more symlink mess.

> Except we've already established that's /not/ particularly sane: doing
> that we end up with random programs overwriting the admin's settings
> in ways that irritate said admin. Creating a new area that's legit for
> such random changes, will solve that problem,

... but using some subdirectory of /var is bad choice, because it is a
natural candidate to be split off on a separate partition later on
and having two debian systems configured differently just because /var
is on a separate partition at install time on the former one is very

If we need a writable directory for status information and generated
files _on the root-partition,_ then generate it, document it and try
to get a consensus to include it in FHS.

Then you can move /etc/mtab, /lib/modules/*/modules.dep
/etc/modules.conf, /etc/network/ifstate, /etc/nologin,
/etc/adjtime, etc. ;-) to that directory and live happily ever after
with readonly /etc/.

But _pretty pretty pretty please_ don't choose /var/somedir/ because
it is is common, (until now) sensible and recommended by the usual
Howtos and installation-instructions to place it on a separate
partition. Either generate a new toplevel directory[1] or use a
subdirectory of /lib/ or /etc/ which are known to be on the
                 thanks, cu andreas
[1] How about /wedontlike_the_slash_hurd_topleveldir/ or /libexec/var ;-)
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