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Re: Bug#150761: ITP: moin -- Python clone of WikiWiki

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 10:25:58PM -0300, Ben Armstrong wrote:
> to call a new project "Moin", but in light of the fact that there is a
> project MoinMoin which already uses "moin" as the name of its package, you
> would be unwise to do so.

Do i have to call my _project_ in a different way only because there is a
_package_ (and _not_ a project) in Debian which is named in the same way?

> There are various packages already in Debian which reflect similar decisions
> made by Wiki clone projects: twiki, to name one (why didn't they just call
> it "Wiki"?)

Thanks for bringing this example into the discussion, because, as you can see,
twiki is either the name of the _ptoject_ and the name of the _package_.

> Doesn't the filename of the package count for anything?

It should be now obvious that to mee they don't. The only thing that matter
for the _package_ name is the _project_ name.

> I could call a new project of mine "Ben's Editor" and distribute it as a
> package named "beditor" containing a python class BensEditor and a main
> program beditor.py.  So, how should the package be called in Debian?

IMHO, you should call it `benseditor'.

> It's not just "a shortened name".  It is the name of the package, as it is
> called by upstream.  I can't see what the problem is simply calling it in
> Debian what it is called upstream.

It's a matter of opinion. We can keep going as long as we like to write mail,
but you have your approach, i have mine.

Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis              | Elegant or ugly code as well
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Luca, a wannabe ``Good guy''.               | something in common: they
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