Re: Bug#150761: ITP: moin -- Python clone of WikiWiki
On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 01:03:15AM +0200, Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 09:28:27PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > > "moin-x.y.z". It seems that in spite of the project officially being
> > > called MoinMoin (mimicking WikiWiki, and *not* an attempt to avoid
> > > namespace collision with your hypothetical "Moin" package)
> Thinking in that way, should i ever call my project Moin, i could not use
> `moin' as the package name: so now, how may i cal the package?
Tough. Package namespace is first come first served. You are still welcome
to call a new project "Moin", but in light of the fact that there is a
project MoinMoin which already uses "moin" as the name of its package, you
would be unwise to do so. There are various packages already in Debian
which reflect similar decisions made by Wiki clone projects: twiki, to name
one (why didn't they just call it "Wiki"?)
> > > there are several precedents set by the project itself for shortening that
> > > to just "moin" in path and filenames.
> Who spoke of file names and path? I refered to the package name, and INHO, it
> should reflect the name of the project.
The software itself and package name in Python is MoinMoin, but the
distribution package goes simply by "moin". Doesn't the filename of the
package count for anything? I could call a new project of mine "Ben's
Editor" and distribute it as a package named "beditor" containing a python
class BensEditor and a main program So, how should the package
be called in Debian?
> We all use to shorten names when we can, but the project is still called
> MoinMoin.
It's not just "a shortened name". It is the name of the package, as it is
called by upstream. I can't see what the problem is simply calling it in
Debian what it is called upstream.
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