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Re: Bug#150761: ITP: moin -- Python clone of WikiWiki

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, Ben Armstrong wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 09:01:44AM +0200, Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis wrote:
> > Doesen't the upstream software call `MoinMoin'? If so, you'd call the
> > package moinmoin.
> Hm.  From the ITP:
> 	http://purl.net/wiki/moin/
> No reduplication of "moin" in that URL.  Also, at sf.net their project
> page is sf.net/projects/moin and home page is moin.sf.net, and the files
> offered for download there are called "moin-x.y.z".  It seems that in
> spite of the project officially being called MoinMoin (mimicking
> WikiWiki, and *not* an attempt to avoid namespace collision with your
> hypothetical "Moin" package) there are several precedents set by the
> project itself for shortening that to just "moin" in path and filenames.

My point as well (thanks for the detailed arguments, Ben).

It is called "WikiWiki" as a general term, but a single site is called a
"wiki". So I'd say the package moin contains the (one and only) MoinMoin
generator moin.cgi, where "MoinMoin" is a derivative of "WikiWiki".

> I don't see why the Debian package name should not follow this
> convention (after all, officially, the package name would be MoinMoin,
> not moinmoin).

It is normal for Debian packages to have the lowercase of its official
name, so _if_ the name of the program was MoinMoin then Luca in suggesting
the Debian name to be moinmoin stands.

 - Jonas

Feel free to quote me wherever. I usually post on d-private because that's
where most developers are. Sadly there's no similar _public_ spot!

Jonas Smedegaard (+45 40843136)          http://dr.jones.dk/~jonas/
Spiff ApS (= IT-guide dr. Jones ApS)     http://dr.jones.dk/
Debian GNU/Linux developer               http://people.debian.org/~js/

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