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Re: Debian on the Sharp Zaurus/SL-5xxx

On Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 05:32:42PM +0100, Miah Gregory wrote:

> In message <[🔎] 20020616161906.GO12595@alcor.net> Matt Zimmerman
> <mdz@debian.org> wrote:
> > Yes, there are quite a few of these.  I hardly see the point, though, of
> > repackaging a ton of software in 'ipkg' format when we already have a
> > ton of working infrastructure and existing packages for debs.  Frankly,
> > I can't imagine why anyone would want to try to duplicate the effort
> > that has been put into Debian/ARM.
> I'm going to hope that you're just joking there, right?? We're talking
> about devices with severely limited amounts of ram and storage space. You
> don't want countless copies of licences, changelogs, and in most cases,
> even documentation all over the place.

Of course you don't.  But the right way to solve that problem is to allow
dpkg to exclude these things when unpacking packages.

Surprise, this feature is already planned for an upcoming dpkg release.

> If you're using a flash filing system, such as jffs2, you definitely don't
> want unnecessary logs, or other files that change rapidly.

sysklogd will not be installed by default.  Various server applications
which write their own logs will need to be reconfigured by the user.
Providing this as a default is no reason to repackage everything.

> These are pretty much exactly the reasons why people are using ipkg on
> such devices. Ipkg itself is styled on dpkg, hence why ipkg packages are
> so similar in layout, and control content.

I confess to not knowing any more than this about the ipkg format.  However,
based on what I know, this similarity seems to be a duplication of effort.
dpkg and existing Debian packages can, and will, be extended to provide
equivalent functionality without sacrificing other features.

 - mdz

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