Re: Debian on the Sharp Zaurus/SL-5xxx
On Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 06:40:16PM +0200, Michael Banck wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 05:32:42PM +0100, Miah Gregory wrote:
> > I'm going to hope that you're just joking there, right?? We're talking
> > about devices with severely limited amounts of ram and storage space.
> > You don't want countless copies of licences, changelogs, and in most
> > cases, even documentation all over the place.
> It would be better to fix dpkg to exclude this stuff optionally than to
> fork/reimplement it along with converting the whole archive to a new
> format, IMHO.
My thoughts exactly.
> If the dpkg-maintainers don't have the time/resources to do this or think
> it's not reasonable (although I think I've heard otherwise), busybox' dpkg
> might be made able to exlude /usr/share/doc for example.
This is precisely the right way to approach this part of the problem, and
dpkg will have this functionality soon.
- mdz
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