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Re: Wish: Unfreeze Woody and start anew

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 12:57:51PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> I dunno. What do you want that's more authoritative than one developer's
> opinion? 

Your points are well put.  I think they're a bit far afield from
the original point (I was contesting Turbo's claims about "our
PRIMARY audience" (note plural) and their historical truth), but
I found them interesting nonetheless.

At first I was going to assert that there _are_ some things we
all agree on, such as the Social Contract, but I found that that's
not necessarily true in the context of a question like "What is
Debian's primary audience?"

We already have several answers to that question, both in this thread
and historically:

  - Sysadmins running servers (from Turbo)
  - Users of entirely free operating systems (from me, and presumably
    the FSF folks)
  - Debian developers (eloquently put by Manoj)
  - Everyone (the original Debian Must Have Netscape crowd, I presume)

I'm sure there are other opinions that I have missed :)  I would be
interested in seeing them, actually.  I agree with you that it is
quite possible to have all of them in one project, mainly because
identifying a _primary_ audience does not exclude helping _secondary_

> Except, of course, decide *you* want to focus on it, and put your time,
> skills and energy where your mouth is. (And no, that's not even as easy
> as it sounds)

So... what drives you to work so hard for a stable release?
Inquiring minds want to know :)

Richard Braakman

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