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Re: Wish: Unfreeze Woody and start anew

>>>>> "starner" == starner  <starner@okstate.edu> writes:

    >> This is our PRIMARY audience. We're not saying that all the
    >> others shouldn't use our system. We build Debian GNU/Linux
    >> PRIMARILY for the system admin.

    starner> Since when?

Since we started 7, 8 years ago. I've been in Debian almost since the
beginning ('94 I think it was). It have ALWAYS been our goal. In the
beginning it was our ONLY goal. The last couple of years we got some
more intention to also create something that can be used on the workstation
and for less-experienced users...

    starner> I don't recall ever reading this anywhere,

I don't thin we ever 'put it on paper'. It's been said over and over and
over on the debian-devel list. Check the archives...

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