Re: Clarification of WineX packaging request
On Fri, 24 May 2002 23:13:52 -0400, Gavriel State
<> wrote:
>If Debian goes ahead and packages WineX despite our request, we will have to evaluate how
>that is affecting our financial situation, and determine whether we should change our
>license to restrict any future binary-packaged redistribution, regardless of commercial or
>non-commercial intent. It would certainly be our preference not to have to do so.
Speaking for myself, I'd like to have Transgaming's intentions clearly
spelled out in their license, so that people considering their
software will see the company's attitude. So they might be tempted to
try competing products made by a company with a less bad attitude.
So, I would like to see WineX packaged.
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Marc Haber | " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
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