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Re: hurd does NOT need /hurd

#include <hallo.h>
Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote on Wed May 22, 2002 um 07:10:23PM:

> > justify a new top level directory? (The fact that debian would want to
> > see such a directory standardized in fhs is neither disputed nor the
> > subject of inquiry.)
> I think the rationale that justify /hurd, in the minds of the Hurd
> developers, as part of the design of that system, have been explained
> over and over and over again.  I think there is no value to trying to

You explain over and over, but you do not explain any techical reasons
for having that top-level directory. I get more and more the impression
that it is just a symbolical value, not a practical one. Arguments like
"Hurd is not a Unix" are Null-Arguments, GNU/Linux is not Unix either.

Wenn du ein RichtigerMann[tm] wärst, würdest vor die Typen hintreten und
sagen: "He, ihr Dumpfbacken, ich habe LINUX und wenn ihr mich scannt, dann
schick ich euch was, das eure Win-Kröten nicht durch die Därme kriegen".
Aber dazu braucht 's wohl etwas mehr...  (Christian Anzenberger in dcoulm)

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