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Re: hurd does NOT need /hurd

On May 21, Jeroen Dekkers wrote:
> > The FHS isn't the LSB, and it certainly claims (1.1) to be intended for
> > more than just creators of third-party packages. Debian doesn't use it
> > in the sense you say, as far as I know.
> The authors can say anything, that doesn't matter. Linus also said he
> was going to write a whole operating system, I've never seen him doing
> that.

Historical note: the FHS (earlier named the FSSSTND or some such)
predates the Linux Standard Base by several years.

As for the rest, it mostly reads as sour grapes by people who have
been trying to get the Hurd to work since before Linus even thought of
making his (at the time) simple, non-portable Minix-on-steroids kernel.

Chris Lawrence <chris@lordsutch.com> - http://www.lordsutch.com/chris/

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