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Re: hurd does NOT need /hurd

On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 07:11:57PM -0700, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
> Adam Heath <doogie@debian.org> writes:
> > So, in that regard, the translators can exist anywhere, not only in /hurd.
> Of course.  But we're designing a system.  To quote ftpusers: if you
> want to help, help.  Sniping doesn't help. 

Sniping people who want to help don't make people keeping wanting to
do that. I have it will be learned sometime.
> And actually understanding the system is a pre-requisite for helping.
> Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

I pretty well do that, although I'm not perfect and I *want* to be
corrected if I would be wrong.
> Now if you want to point out that FHS doesn't mention /hurd and so
> using it is in violation of FHS, then you are quite right.  

No, then he's wrong. I don't know about your copy of the FHS, but mine
(version 2.2 dated May 23, 2001) doesn't forbid a distribution to add

It's just interesting to see that nobody has even noticed this, but of
course I'm the clueless flamebait here, it's just that I have read the
FHS carefully more than once while writing that GNU/Hurd specific
annex and checking where Debian GNU/Hurd differs from the FHS at the 
moment. It's not that I don't know where I am talking about.

I suggest people should read it carefully before trying to discuss
these things and then they will even find out that it's amateurish and
confusing like hell. Don't try to even try to reply without reading it
carefully as I'm not going to waste time anymore teaching somebody to
read. Keeping in mind that the FHS is a document written for
proprietary third-party LSB packages and it specifies what those
packages can find where and where they should install things helped me
a lot with understanding it. Also that the standard is created by just
looking at current practice and writing down their thoughts about
it. I doubt they even thought about this why filesystems exist and why
directories exist.

> Now, since we all know these two facts, and since the Debian GNU/Hurd
> team knows these two facts, and since the relevant people are all
> working to make sure that the Debian GNU/Hurd port does match policy,
> can we just move on, ignore Jeroen, and do some real work?

I don't care whether somebody ignores me or not, I know I am right. I
have an opinion too and I will say that until my death.

Anyway, it's just useless trying to convince people on debian-devel
that they are wrong because they don't want to listen anyhow.

Jeroen Dekkers
Who rather writes his own policy than caring about Debian policy
Jabber ID: jdekkers@jabber.org  IRC ID: jeroen@openprojects
GNU supporter - http://www.gnu.org

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