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Re: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Your Packages (But Were Afraid to Ask)

On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 07:28:12PM +0100, Rob Bradford wrote:
> Can you please change this to use an email address, i like many other
> people dont use robster@debian.org in my maintainer fields. Either you
> should lookup the email address associated with the username or just let
> people specify their email address.

Yes this done. You can check it on the new version.

> Oh and you spelt developers wrong =)

this is also fixed... sorry ;)

> Apart from that a useful fun little tool.

Thanks a lot.

Igor Genibel 
http://www.alcove.com/			     Igor.Genibel@fr.alcove.com
http://www.tuxfamily.org/			     igor@tuxfamily.org
http://people.debian.org/~igenibel		    igenibel@debian.org
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