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Re: Debian's problems, Debian's future

> > Sorry, diffs are simply silly! Use rsync with the uncompressed Packages
> > file and diffs aren't necessary. Or use a packer which doesn't hinder
> > rsync from saving (gzip --rsyncable).
> This isn't server friendly.

> > If you really care about bandwide, build a local mirror with my download
> > script (option -A) and see that apt accesses the local mirror first when
> > updating. I dare to assert that this is currently by far the best
> > solution for saving bandwide.
> And how does that save bandwide if you have only one computer
> downloading packages? With multiple computers it does, I use apt-proxy
> for this.
Simply because it does the download in a smart way using rsync. First it
downloads the Packages instead of the Packages.gz. Today it was around 130k
instead of the 1.5M, well above 10 times better. Second it only requests
packages from the server which have changed. I don't know how much use of
bandwide a not necessary check of a package needs but not doing them is
certainly better. Third it copies the old packages in place of the new one to
profit from rsync. Even now where "rsync --rsyncable" isn't in use ( :-( ),
there is a few percent gain. With the rsync patch the bandwide usage will be
less the halve.

When I checked apt-proxy in january my solution was better in any respect,
except maybe in checking dependences (my script doesn't).

O. Wyss

Author of "Debian partial mirror synch script"

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