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Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material


>>"user" == user list <debian-user@icantbelieveimdoingthis.com> writes:

 user> Let's just say that this is a free-speech issue. The point is
 user> that free-speech does not reach into institutions.

	Depends on the institution.  Something like Debian, which
 revolves around principles of freedom, may care more than your run of
 the mill institution.

 user> As I said in my first post, I would remove it from all of my
 user> machines.  It would be a very easy decision. I think it would
 user> be a real shame if this happened because Debian is a real
 user> accomplishment.

	You certainly should do what you feel you need to.  

 user> If Debian wants a place in the standard workplaces (Corporate
 user> Offices, Govern- ment Laboratories, etc.) then I think they
 user> should have a stated policy that the distribution will not
 user> contain any known instances of racist or offensive
 user> language.

	Can't do that. We all know that the Linux kernel contains
 offensive language. Hell, lots of offensive language. It even prints
 out offensive language on certain conditions. You just talked
 yourself out of Linux.  It even prints out offensive language on

 user>   Note that the word known is very important because I

	We know that the language exists. I also know there is
 offensive language in some fortunes packages, and the purity tests. 

 user> don't think that anyone wold expect a gate keeper. It simply
 user> would not be practical.  However, if a known bug is found then
 user> it should be dealt with. One would hope that it would be dealt
 user> with in the way it was here. It would be an inadvertent mistake
 user> and it would be corrected rapidly. If the maintainer were truly
 user> racist, then it should be a policy that that package be dropped
 user> until the offending language is removed or until a new
 user> maintainer can be found.

	I would much rather not have users that demand this kind of idiocy.

 "Mr. Watson, come here, I want you."  -- Alexander Graham Bell
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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