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Re: Packaging Feta [Was: Package splitting and upgrades]

On Sun, 2002-03-03 at 12:45, Michael Banck wrote:
> Dunno, I was under the impression that it was packaged long ago. 

'apt-cache show feta' (or 'feta whatis feta' ;) have turned up negative
for me for a long time (except for my own package, of course).

> Why did you not file a RFP-bug to wnpp? I can't find one there.

I knew filing an ITP (or worse, just packaging) a package someone else
was working on was considered stepping on someone else's toes in Debian.
I considered an RFP for a package that was already ITPd the same thing
(and I believed Feta was ITPd - see below).
As someone who is not a Debian developer, and really does not care much
about Feta as part of Debian (so much as making people realize the
existence of Feta and other third party tools not actually in Debian;
one can package Feta, but that doesn't really solve the overall problem
in my mind), since I currently package for myself and my friends anyway.

As someone who has considered becoming a Debian developer, my last wish
is to get in on the wrong foot before I even apply; I assumed that the
developers who emailed me would have been either fulfilling a posted RFP
bug, or filed an ITP themselves for the package (since by emailing me,
they IMO expressed an intent to package), and any effort by me would
result in (at best) confusion.

I see now that this is not the case, and telling the maintainer of an
"intent to package" does not necessarily mean an "Intent To Package",
nor does it mean they will inform people if they change their minds.

Steve Langasek emailed me about sponsoring my Feta packages; I have also
fixed the bugs you found in them and uploaded in my APT
repository (although not in the source tree on my website; that will
come with 1.2.5 if I make such a release). Of course, if Feta eventually
gets into Debian, hopefully upstream and the Debian versions will be the
same. :)
 - Joe Wreschnig <piman@sacredchao.net>  -  http://www.sacredchao.net
  "What I did was justified because I had a policy of my own... It's
   okay to be different, to not conform to society."
                                   -- Chen Kenichi, Iron Chef Chinese

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