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Re: Debian doesn't have to be slower than time.

* Michael Neuffer <neuffer@sciobyte.de> [020218 09:19]:
> > There are practical reasons why it is not necessarily useful to use CVS for
> > this purpose.
> Which are ?

The organisation and purpose of Debian. 
Debian is mainly about combining software developed by others to an
usefull system, i.e. to package them and not to fork them. Each package
can (and many have) and entirely different build system. 

1) Manage upstream-versions and patches in cvs in an visible way is not
that easy, ecspecially when upstream uses cvs itself and the directory
structure and filename change a lot. 
It does not fit always, but in the current system an package comes with
its upstream version which in theory can be compared with the one
shipped by upstream.[1]

2) CVS has also the habbit of remembering every change and gives quite and
enourmous overhead. Even with the low prices of bandwidth and disk-space
like today building an complete mirror is not that cheap and easy.
Using CVS will make it quite impossible to build an source-mirror.

3) Development in debian is distributed. Developer can use those tools
which fit best to him. Having an local cvs-represetory and putting the
finished version to an Debian-cvs is not that easy.

Last but not least note that Debian already has CVS-Servers which 
house local developments like the installer and so on.
For Packages is mainly makes problems. If you want the whole
Source try something like

apt-cache search '.*' | awk '{print $1; next}' | sort | uniq | awk '{ system("apt-get source " $1 ) }'

  Bernhard R. Link

[1] It does not work always, but in theory and with many packages.
    Also note that some sources do not allow distribution of 
    upstream-source and patches in non-differented form.

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