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Re: Debian doesn't have to be slower than time.

On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 10:36:07PM +0100, Peter Makholm wrote:
> "Joel Baker" <lucifer@lightbearer.com> writes:
> > * Why does Debian take so long to release?
> Because people would rather discuss this subject than fix release
> critical bugs?

Amen to that. Fixing the bugs is the main thing that will get a release
out the door. Our Release Manager basically gave us free reign over
fixing RC bugs (well, within logic limits outlined in the same document,
posted to debian-devel-announce). Nothing stops non-developers from
making patches, going through and testing bugs to duplicate them.

No sort of process, policies or mechanisms is going to make fixing bugs
go any faster, other than people actually doing it.


/       Ben Collins    --    Debian GNU/Linux    --    WatchGuard.com      \
`          bcollins@debian.org   --   Ben.Collins@watchguard.com           '

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