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Re: another reason why requiring NMs to be sponsored is a bad idea

Steve Langasek, on 2002-01-16, 21:41, you wrote:
> invested quite a bit of time into improving that support.  So while I 
> can conceive of a time when libdbi might rival ODBC, I don't think it's 
> a grave concern that there are delays getting it into the archive right 
> now given the current state of things.

I think this is the problem we have with sponsorship. We limit judgement
over prospective developers to their package they want to have sponsored.
If such a developer has a package that nobody wants, he is not considered.
The prospective developer himself reads about the NM process, finds a
sentence like 'you should have some package being sponsored' and so builds
some package that nobody wants. The Right Way[tm] IMHO to deal with such 
situations would be to tell the developer that noone wants his packages 
and that he should have a look at some orphaned package to take over.
  I would change 'he is looking for a sponsor' into 'he is looking
for an advocate'. An advocate could check his skills by means of checking
his packages and then tell him that noone actually wants that package in
Debian and he has bring something else like an orphaned package.

my 2¢,

Joerg "joergland" Wendland
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