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Re: ITP: tetris -- a clone of the original tetris

On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 06:44:57PM +0200, Abraham vd Merwe wrote:
> Agreed. However, you present me with a problem. What should I call it? I
> can't think of anything other than tetris. I definitely do not want to call
> it lintis or whatevertis or tetwhatever or thisissomecloneoftetris

Let's see, apt-cache search gives us:

bsdgames - collection of text games from BSD systems
- this one contains "tetris", almost certainly an infringement of the
  trademark, but nobody seems to care
gnome-gnometris - A tetris clone.
gtetrinet - multiplayer tetris-like game
ksirtet - Tetris and Puyo-Puyo games for KDE
ksmiletris - Tetris like game for KDE
netris - A free, networked version of T*tris
pytris - two-player networked console tetris clone
stax - collection of puzzle games similar to Tetris Attack.
xbl - 3-D tetris like game
xemeraldia - not just another tetris clone
xjewel - match colors on falling columns of blocks
xpuyopuyo - A puzzle game similar to tetris, played with colored blobs
xtet42 - Tetris for X, supports one or 2 players.
xtokkaetama - X Puzzle Game.
xtris - client-server multiplayer X tetris
cxhextris - Color version of hextris

If you don't like "tet-" something or something "-ris" then just choose
something original.  Personally, I don't see anything objectionable about
mangling the original name enough so there's still an association with
the original, yet it is sufficiently different that a trademark case
against you would never make it to court.  Suggestions:

tclassic - Classic Tetris(tm) clone
tclone - Tetris(tm) clone
aetris - Abraham's clone of the classic game of Tetris(tm)
act - Abraham's Classic Tetris(tm)
yatc - Yet Another Tetris(tm) Clone
ptc - Perfect Tetris(tm) Clone

Or T*tris if you prefer, but I think just saying (tm) is sufficient.  It's
just a description.

    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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