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Re: apcupsd package dead?

And suddenly Steaphan Greene had this magical idea:
>  	I looked on the packages needing work, and up for adoption,
>  etc... but it is not there.  Basically what I want to know is what I can
>  do about this.  I am not a Debian Developer (yet ;) and can't do much
>  myself, though I would take over maintenance of this package if I were
>  (assuming that is even an option, since there is technically someone who
>  is supposedly maintaining it already).  I've heard differing opinions on
>  this list (e-mail the developer, don't e-mail the developer, etc...),
>  and am really not sure what I can do about this.
First you can ask the original maintainer wazzup. Give him(/her) time to
respond. If you don't hear anything, just do your changes and send them to
somebody who can do the upload. I can do it, if you'd like.

+-------- .''`.     - -- ---+  +         - -- --- ---- ----- ------+
| lintux : :'  :  lintux.cx |  | Unix and CGI @   IOI/NIO(Dutch)at |
|   at   `. `~'  debian.org |  | www.lintux.cx/   www.algoritme.nl |
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