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www-browsers: graphic or text? (general and particular discussion)

I'm the maintainer of surfraw, a command line interface to search
engines and many other web resources. It supports graphical and text
browsers and build a configuration file (/etc/surfraw.conf) during
"configure", even if you can your own configuration with a dotfile in
your home directory. 

Please don't consider only the package installed in sid, I have a
package that closes bugs even if I have some problems/doubts, i.e.:

What about this compile time generated configuration file? Should I
avoid this and create a unique surfraw.conf? I think so, because else
(i.e. now) it will build different default configuration following the
text browsers installed on the machine is built on. And I don't think
it's a right choice.

In particular I plan to put a dependency on virtual package
"www-browser" just to avoid the list of all the possible browsers
(text/graphic, no-ssl/ssl,...), but the problem is that I can't
distinguish between graphic and text ones. Do we have a reason not to
have two different virtual packages?

And then, how can I put a default configuration file that could define
default graphic and text browsers? This is the excerpt of

# graphical browser? defaults to yes for meatminds. text browser users
# work it out how to change it.
def   SURFRAW_graphical         yes

# name/path of text browser executable
# e.g links, lynx, w3m
def   SURFRAW_text_browser      links

# name/path of browser executable
# e.g mozilla, netscape etc
def   SURFRAW_graphical_browser mozilla

# text browser arguments, or "none"
def   SURFRAW_text_browser_args none

# graphical browser arguments, or "none"
def   SURFRAW_graphical_browser_args    none

# use -remote openURL for graphical browser
def   SURFRAW_graphical_remote  yes

Should I make a test during package installation just to create an
accurate default file? And so, how?


Christian Surchi, csurchi@debian.org, christian@firenze.linux.it |   ICQ     
www.debian.org - www.softwarelibero.it - www.firenze.linux.it    | 38374818
Thrashing is just virtual crashing.

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