Re: Suggestions on XFree86, KDE, sawfish builds
>> "MZ" == Matt Zimmerman <> writes:
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 04:37:02PM +0200, Christian Marillat wrote:
>> >> "MZ" == Matt Zimmerman <> writes:
>> > Consider filing wishlist bugs against the packages in question.
>> > This will be much more likely to get the maintainers' attention than
>> > posting your request here.
>> Or read documentation, quoting
>> /usr/share/doc/sawfish-gnome/changelog.gz:
>> * Broken support for multiple-screen displays. Supplying the new
>> `--multihead' option will fork extra copies of sawfish for each
>> extra screen. This has some fundamental problems, but some people
>> seem to want it (Michael Vogt, Mahmood Ali, me)
> This doesn't sound like it will cause any problems for people not using
> --multihead, so what reason is there for not enabling this feature?
This option isn't a configure option but a sawfish option.
man sawfish
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