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Re: make-kpkg and initrd

Hi Daniel,

> compilation and install of the deb package goes well but it's not bootable : 
> get a kernel panic  : 
> Can't find a valid RAM disk image at 0. 

This might be an obvious thing to check for, but I'll suggest it anyway:

The message upon installing the initrd kernel instructs one to make
sure that the following line is present in lilo.conf before running


However, the standard make-kpkg install process with '--initrd' flag
actually creates the file /boot/initrd-2.4.x 

I generally just make a symlink between /boot/initrd and the specific
kernel version, such as /boot/initrd-2.4.9, but of course you could
just specify this in the initrd line in lilo.conf.

I'm guessing you've probably already made sure that this isn't the
issue, but I thought I'd suggest it regardless.  Incidentally, should
I maybe file this inconsistency between message and actual file as a
bug (maybe severity wishlist)?  If so, which specific kernel-source or
kernel-image package should it go against (I just checked the BTS and
didn't find any similar bug report, yet)?

Hope this helps,

PS please CC me on replies.

Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

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