Re: automake 1.5
On my i386 machine, of those Colin listed, only libnss-db
and shadow fail to build with automake 1.5 installed.
Both appear to fail because depcomp does not exist.
2/11 fail. Applying that with reckless disregard for
statistics to 294 means that 53 packages are likely broken.
We've heard libsdl1.2, all of KDE (those that derive from
kdevelop), gnumeric, and gnome-core.
The rest of those Colin listed don't seem to use automake
during apt's build process, but it's hard to tell.
An alternate solution would be to package automake-1.5
so that it adds depcomp automatically to the build tree.
I don't know how destructive this would be. Perhaps it
could also be fixed to handle the spaces-vs-tabs problem
with -ourdir that afflicts gnome's?
Build output at
The output logs there were generated from:
foreach pkg ( db2 db3 shadow tar textutils cyrus-sasl nano libnss-db make mtr pidentd )
echo working on $pkg
automake --version > $pkg.log
fakeroot apt-get --build source $pkg >>& $pkg.log
echo finished $pkg
On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 05:15:56AM -0500, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 02:25:38AM -0700, Neil Spring wrote:
> > I think deciding how to proceed would be easier if we
> > knew^1:
> > 1) how many of the 294 actually break
> > 2) how many are:
> > a) fundamental automake 1.5 vs 1.4 architectural changes
> > b) automake 1.5 new bugs
> > c) upstream package bugs
> > 3) how many of the failures can't be fixed elegantly
> > with Kevin's help to remove the automake dependency,
> > or upstream (automake) bugfixes.
> 4) how many of these are in base/standard, which are allegedly frozen
> and trying to freeze respectively
> The following required/important/standard packages build-depend on
> automake (haven't checked tasks, though):
> db2 required
> db3 required
> shadow required
> tar required
> textutils required
> cyrus-sasl important
> nano important
> libnss-db standard
> make standard
> mtr standard
> pidentd standard
> Has anybody checked if all of the above still build?
> --
> Colin Watson []
> --
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