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Re: ddts: notification about fr translation of the hostname description

  Regardless of all that: whatever language you implemented this in, it
is a trivial task to store a list of email addresses which have
requested to receive messages about new/updated translations, and to
suppress all mail to other addresses.  (in Perl or Python, it should
only be a few lines of code)
  Given that you appear to already have some sort of
control system/email parser in place, it should be easy to build the
list as well.  (one command to send a "subscribe request" which returns
a magic cookie; another command to confirm it)

  I think that given the number of requests you have had to implement
this feature, you should seriously consider it.


  PS: for the record, I don't care one way or the other about getting
the mails.

/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <dburrows@debian.org> -------------------\
|                     "Is it too late to extricate myself                     |
|                      from this plot line?"                                  |
|                     "Yes." -- Fluble                                        |
\------- Listener-supported public radio -- NPR -- http://www.npr.org --------/

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