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Re: Bootable CD

#include <hallo.h>
BERNARDES,JOAN (Non-HP-Brazil,ex1) wrote on Thu Aug 30, 2001 um 01:30:07PM:

> 	I want to create a bootable cd with graphical support (based on
> Debian), but I have many questions.
> *	The CD need to run in various video adapters with the resolution
> 800x600 pixels. How may I detect the video adapter? if not, exist a generic
> video adapter?

What do you _exactly_ want? Just boot and get a graphical console? Then
you may use the VESA-Framebuffer in the kernel. Note that the current
Vesa-FB driver can change the resolution only once, so the resolution is
fixed unless you start X with another driver or so.

If you mean, you want to detect the card and choose the appropriate
xfree driver, you should have a look on the Knoppix-CD. The
LinuxTag-Distribution (based on Knoppix-2.0) and knoppix-2.1beta can be
found on http://www.linuxtag.org/knoppix/

> *	I thinks that there are necessary two or more cd. While the
> application is running, how can I exchange the cd ?

Depends on how do you use the CD. If there are permanently running
programs, started from the CD, you cannot change it.

> *	Which compression method is better for increase my CD space?

gzip or bzip2 on the whole filesystem. Knoppix uses a kernel module
(cloop) to decompress the loop-mounted FS transparently.

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viele tun, die  ansonsten  ganz vernünftige  Beiträge  schreiben,
dann schau Dich  schon einmal nach  einer Wiese mit saftigem Gras
um.                                       (Christian Pree in daa)

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