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Re: sponsor rules

>>>>> "Joost" == Joost Kooij <joost@topaz.mdcc.cx> writes:

    Joost> [I agree with your point, I just want to elaborate.]
    Joost> On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 09:39:53AM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
    >> Perhaps the lesser consequence of letting the sponsor know they
    >> have made an error (possibly in a public forum) would be
    >> sufficient.  If it

    Joost> It is called the debian bug tracking system.

No, the BTS lets the maintainer know, the sponsor is not copied on the
bug reports.  From personal experience, there is significant social
pressure associated with having to deal with the email associated with
screwing something up.

Having the sponsor be highly likely to read the mail (or at least see
it) and thus see that their failure to check things over lead to
significant problems for others tends to teach people to be more

Having a bunch of bugs filed on a package you're not looking at (which
is likely if you are being a careless sponsor) doesn't do much.

Either way the package maintainer (nm applicant) gets the bugs and is
likely to improve.

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