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Re: Arla (Re: RFC: Removing old ncurses versions)

>>>>> "Mikael" == Mikael Andersson <mikan@mikan.net> writes:

    Mikael> I have an other sponsor for another package (flink), wish
    Mikael> say that he will look at it, but I don't think that he has
    Mikael> access to an afs cell.

So, point  it to athena.mit.edu or andrew.cmu.edu.

    >> You may wish to look at openafs's debian/rules for how to set
    >> up the source package.

    Mikael> Today I have a combination of pcmcia and mol, but I will
    Mikael> checkout the openafs version.

I used pcmcia to base mine on.  I'm working on a project to make
kernel module maintinance suck less for Debian.

    Mikael> Is openafs in debian or is it still distributed from
    Mikael> openafs.org?


Openafs has been in Debian since around December.  It has been
distributed at openafs.org since about that time as well.  The version
in Debian is built against sid while the one on openafs.org is built
against potato.

    Mikael> I'm not totaly sure that openafs-client and arla should
    Mikael> conflict, but I want to discuss it with you.  In my
    Mikael> situation i want to use some of the afs programs
    Mikael> (pts,vos,bos) but still want to use the arla client
    Mikael> (dynroot, not hanging when offline etc) and the arla favor
    Mikael> of the afsprograms (pts,vos,bos) wish is not always as
    Mikael> fully implemented as the afs one's, but sometimes have
    Mikael> some feature I want.  Is it possible to create an
    Mikael> /etc/alternatives/pts pointing to either openafs-pts or
    Mikael> arla-pts?

Patches or money to work on this welcome.  I am fairly unlikely to get
around to doing it myself, but would be willing to maintain it.

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