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Re: horse carcas flogging (was: traceroute in /usr/bin, not /usr/sbin)

On 25-Jun-01, 15:50 (CDT), Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> wrote: 
> However, I have quite a legitimate reason to use tracreoute from my
> isp's shell server when I am unable to connect to master. Why?  So I can
> figure out if it is master that is in fact, down, or some problem at
> novare, or with their isp, or with my isp, or with the networks in
> between. 

So you're doing basic network diagnostics. It's an admin *function*
(as opposed to composing and sending e-mail, for instance). You'd
be completely justified in throwing the entire job in your admin's
lap. However, you figure (probably correctly) that you're more likely to
get the problem solved (or figure out a useful bounce machine) if you
provide more info than "I can't reach master.debian.org.) I bet it was
little or no effort for you find traceroute when you did this. On the
other hand, there

It's just that I can't believe that there is a non-nil set of people
who can figure out what to do with the output of traceroute, but can't
change their PATH, or use an alias, or add a link to their own ~/bin, or
simply type /usr/sbin/traceroute. Thus, I can't figure out why certain
people are so vehement about their insistance that it be moved.  If
there were no history, I'd say get rid of the sbin directories entirely.

Steve Greenland <stevegr@debian.org>
(Please do not CC me on mail sent to this list; I subscribe to and read
every list I post to.)

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