Re: (OT) Storage (8*IDE HDs) any experiences? - diodes
> > at these extremes... the diodes wont help....and the dioes will simply
> > burn up due to the current it has to pass to get to that "voltage"
> > one side being a diode drop ( 0.7v ) across itself..
> > - a power mosfet is better suited ...
hmm, mosfet doesn't make sense to me - IIRC they only work like switches
I think you should use "Shotkey-diods" the largest one i know could pass
200 ampere - and they've less than ~0.4V voltage drop
:wq - until next mail B-), l8r
:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:
: student of technical computer science :
: university of applied sciences krefeld (germany) :
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