Re: possible bug in gettext (autotools?) or in some packages
Em Thu, 3 May 2001 13:04:07 -0300
Henrique M Holschuh <> escreveu:
> Yo KoV,
Yo hmh =)
> On Thu, 03 May 2001, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
> > I noticed while creating a package for a gettext enabled program, that
> > make install was installing the .mo file as <progname>@INSTOBJEXT@
> Well, file important bugs against those packages, telling them to fix their
> packages to refresh and use the debian-provided gettext instead of keeping
> the cruft from upstream around.
ok, I'll file bugs in the packages I find this problems tonight,
when I have more time to check wether this bugs were not already
> Any Debian developer that needs to do this and doesn't know how, please feel
> free to contact me. I had a lot of misadventures with gettext lately in
> fetchmail, so I'm currently well-versed in the topic.
heh, you'll probably receive some requests from me ;)
> INSTOBJEXT doesn't even exist anymore in gettext 0.10.37...
that's the problem then =)
> > comments?
> Try installing the sid gettext package, and running gettextize -c -f in the
> broken package's top source directory (don't forget to run aclocal,
> autoheader and autoconf to rebuild the configure script using the updated
> gettext macros, or else all hell breaks loose). It just might fix the whole
> crap in one go, if the makefiles are sane. Be warned that the new gettext
> does not tolerate much of the broken crap people sometimes toss into .po
> files as the old one did (which is a Good Thing, btw).
ok, I'll try it in my package, thanks for the advice =)
Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov <>
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