Re: upgrading only urgency=high packages
On Wednesday 02 May 2001 02:27, Brian May wrote:
> >>>>> "Matt" == Matt Zimmerman <> writes:
> Matt> I had an idea (and a working script) to extract changelogs
> Matt> from source packages and insert them into a SQL database.
> Matt> My original intention was to allow apt-listchanges to
> Matt> display changelogs for packages before downloading them, but
> Matt> such a database would also allow for queries like this. It
> Matt> would also allow the CGI changelog viewer to work again.
> Matt> If the daily lintian runs start up again, this script could
> Matt> easily be run when a source package is unpacked, to keep the
> Matt> database up-to-date as new packages come into the archive.
> I have previously debated if I should mention this or not, and have in
> the past wondered if there would be any benefit in replacing the
> Packages file with some sort of distributed SQL database (could LDAP
> be used???).
LDAP could be used. However we would need to devise some new schema for it,
and we would need to get >= type operations working properly (last time I
tried I could not get it going in OpenLDAP).
Using LDAP would solve the scalability issue, synchronising multiple LDAP
servers is very easy!
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