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Re: nautilus1.0 in woody...

Scavenging the mail folder uncovered Peter Teichman's letter:
> > and the worst part is that they don't have any intention to fix the 
> > problem of distributing incompatible debs.

> What? We have absolutely no reason not to fix problems in these
> packages. If there are bugs, most likely it is because we don't know
> about them.
i wrote the first email about ximian (that was helix) packages being
binary incompatible with debian ones about 2 months ago. they are
still incompatible. while talking about evolution ximian debs segfaulting
on a "vanilla" debian sid, ettore perazzoli told me that (being evolution
an in-progress work <g>), ximian *does not* guarantee it working on anything
else than ximian gnome.
> We can no longer claim to support Debian unstable with Ximian GNOME,
> since unstable is changing a bit too fast underneath us. If there are
> problems with testing or stable, though, I'd really appreciate it if
> people would submit bug reports to bugzilla.ximian.com.

obviously, replacing every single package that has a dependency on
gtk with its ximian counterpart, results in a stable system. but i
definitely *don't* want to install ximian gnome, just some packages,
like evolution or red-carpet. and a mixed ximian/debian system is... 
well... can i say unstable? on the other hand, like ettore said some
time ago "hey, we want the people run *our* version of gnome, isn't


Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology              fog@mixadlive.com
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact        fog@debian.org
  Qu'est ce que la folie? Juste un sentiment de liberté si
   fort qu'on en oublie ce qui nous rattache au monde... -- J. de Loctra

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