Re: RFC: Central version control for Debian
>>>>> " " == Thom May <> writes:
> * Matt Zimmerman ( wrote :
>> Recent discussions about auditing have gotten me thinking about
>> Debian's use of version control (or lack thereof). Currently,
>> the situation is left in the hands of individual developers.
>> Many of them use CVS; some use other methods; some use no
>> version control at all.
Potato has ~2 GB of gzip sources, uncompress that gives you maybe
3 GB.
Each day theres about 50 MB source updates. Some are new orig.tar.gz
files, which could be diffed. But just assume the uncompressed diffs
are about 50 MB/day.
That means each year the debian cvs grows 18 GB in size. So in one
year time we have 6 times the size.
Who do you think will host that?
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