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Re: [Fwd: [RFC] Making NM 'by recommendation']

>>"Jon" == Jon Eisenstein <jeisen@mindspring.com> writes:

 Jon> Though I agree with many of the arguments being made by the
 Jon> "conservative" (i.e. don't change) developers, I have to offer my own
 Jon> situation as a comment. I have entered the queue less than a month ago,
 Jon> so I cannot yet complain about the long wait. However, I can admit that I
 Jon> do not yet have the skills I myself believe I will need as a developer --
 Jon> DocBook, packaging, etc. Why did I apply, then? Because I know that this
 Jon> is a long process, and would rather put myself into the list and learn
 Jon> things during the wait than learn all of the skills and have to wait
 Jon> another year (okay, exaggeration, I know) to use them. So, I agree that
 Jon> people need to know these things as a developer and shouldn't be approved
 Jon> until they have such skills, but I strongly disagree with those who
 Jon> believe the skills need to be learned before applying in the first place.

	A self fulfilling prophesy. You have just ensured that the
 process become longer, for everyone.And increased the possibility of
 there being rejections; and since rejections need some additional
 oversight, that increases the burden on the NM team. 

 "Just because you understand what something should look like doesn't
 mean you know how to build it." karl@neosoft.com
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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