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Re: long term goals of debian membership

Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org> writes:

> I get so sick of hearing this argument/troll. Making it easier for joe
> blow to become a developer, when he might only submit one package, with
> his "leet" script he developed in highschool for organizing mp3's, is not
> going to make Debian better.

When I was in highschool it was exceedingly rare to have a computer.
I did my papers on my father's IBM PC, I believe it was the eighth
sold in Albuquerque.  Playing music on a PC was not done, though I do
recall there were hacks that would pulse the beeping speaker to
generate single-channel sine tones.

Huffman compaction was the state of the art; Lempel-Ziv hadn't been
invented yet.

Organizing files was a matter of little holders for your floppy
disks.  We didn't have a hard disk, those were amazing extravagances.

I feel old.  


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