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Re: shared NFS systems

>>>>> "Matt" == Matt Zimmerman <mdz@debian.org> writes:

    Matt> I don't have a working XML docbook environment to test
    Matt> whether this is correct, but my editor likes it.  A patch is
    Matt> attached which discusses how a possible kernel extension
    Matt> (union mounts) could simplify the situation.

Thanks for the suggestion. I modified the whitespace (it seemed a bit
funny having two commands on the one line; perhaps the 2nd shouldn't
be there?), and incorporated it in my document.
However, your proposed method seems to be "let the maintainer scripts
think that they are writing to /usr" when in actual fact the output
will be discarded. IMHO, this is more a hacked type solution to work
around current limitations rather then a proper solution.

There is an important point you do raise though - ie. the situation
may be different depending on what features the operating system
kernel has, whether it is Linux, the Hurd, or something else.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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