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Re: debian-keyring, what's happened?


Please don't Cc me.  Especially when I say in the mail "Please do not
Cc me".  You're either being rude or not actually reading the mail
you're replying to.

Marcus Brinkmann <Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de> writes:

> On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 02:44:49PM +0100, James Troup wrote:
> > o) It's not just a matter of volunteering for help and like magic
> >    useful volunteers appear.  There's the problem that more often than
> >    not, when it actually comes down to doing stuff the throngs of
> >    volunteers seem to melt faster than butter on a hot cake.  The
> >    security team, the ftp team and the new new-maintainer team can all
> >    relate stories of one or more volunteers who signed up and then did
> >    absolutely nothing.
> Yes, and the new maintainer team was expanded and renewed and is working
> now.

No shit.  Do you think a) I'm not involved in that process and thus
not aware of that? b) it would have gone anywhere near as
smoothly/speedily or got as far as it has if I had either not
cooperated with Dale or actively opposed his efforts?

You are also ignoring or ignorant of the number of AMs Dale has had
either drop out, do nothing or be forcefully asked to drop out.
> > o) This is the keyring we're talking about, it's not like I can just
> >    accept any developer who volunteers.
> You are not saying which volunteers you could accept.

What do you want me to do?  Make a list and post it to debian-devel?
Get real.

> [...] it is hardly on you to complain about lack of help.

I did not and have not complained about the lack of help, except maybe
in the context of replying to people whining.


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