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Re: What is a Kernel?

>>>>> "Adam" == Adam McKenna <adam-debian@flounder.net> writes:

    Adam> Yes, and IMO this is retarded behavior.  There must be a way
    Adam> to prevent this from happening.

Personally, I wish there was better support for kernel flavours.

That way, you could install the Debian version of the kernel, and your
version, at the same time, even if they are both based on the same
upstream source.

Oops, my system no longer boots since I installed my own kernel.
No problem, just boot from the Debian version.

This is even better if you use grub, instead of lilo, as you don't
even have to configure it for each kernel beforehand.

However, the one serious problem with this, is it requires
the kernel source to be patched before it will work. I am not
even sure what version of the kernel the patch file is for, see

I wish that the patches included in this file (including ksym) would
get integrated into the upstream source...
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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