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Re: New Debian Maintainers

>>>>> "Nils" == Nils Lohner <lohner@ecf.teradyne.com> writes:

    Nils> I agree its not important enough for the thousands of users
    Nils> (10s of thousands on d-a) on the other two lists.

This is very interesting: How many 10s of thousands are on d-a?  Could
we put this number somewhere on www.debian.org?  It's a good marketing
thing, I'd say ("Whaddaya mean, `Debian is a marginal dist'?  Look how
many users are on our announcements list!")

Bye, J

PS: Another publicity item that I can't get out of my mind would be a
collection of "Testimonials" and/or "Famous Users".  What do you think
a "Neal Stephenson uses Debian" would look?  And if we'd get him to
write a paragraph... *droool* Of course we'd have to (try to) get
permission from the various `entitied'.

PPS: Yes, it might be taken as `evil'... but the people who are smart
enough not to be influenced by such tactics are (probably) already
using Debian anyway (;-) and the rest... let me just say that we owe
it to our fellow being not to let them be sucked in by SuSE etc ;-)

PPPS: Some sites that have this: userfriendly.org, zope.org.

Jürgen A. Erhard      eMail: jae@ilk.de      phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
          My WebHome: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard
  "With Microsoft products, failure is not an option - it's a standard
                      component." -- Derek Glidden

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