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Does linux-2.2.15 have a serious disk problem? (was Re: End of first test cycle, new packages installed)

I caught a conversation on IRC where someone was claiming linux-2.2.15 has
serious disk I/O problems that were present in both ide and scsi. Sorry,
I don't have the player's names here... could several someones find out
for sure please? I saw someone guess that it might be a "scheduling

If this is the case, I think we should use 2.2.14 for the test cycle.
(who will test if there is a known possibility their partition or disk
will be destroyed? or better, how many? People with one computer will
justifiably not, if the problem extends to writing.)


Jim Lynch       Finger for pgp key
as Laney College CIS admin:  jim@laney.edu   http://www.laney.edu/~jim/
as Debian developer:         jwl@debian.org  http://www.debian.org/~jwl/

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