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CVS repository

I'm about to create my first CVS repository.  I recall when I first
installed Debian (slink), it installed cvs and during the configuration step
asked about where the repository would go.  I removed cvs at the time while
I wasn't using it.

But now I've installed it again (cvs 1.10.7-7), now using potato, and it no
longer asks about the repository.  Was something changed in the postinst
files for cvs?  

I tried running cvsconfig, but it just says
     "Use dpkg-reconfigure cvs' to reconfigure cvs."
When I run dpkg-reconfigure cvs, it runs silently and exits, with no
indication of success or failure.  So I'm not sure if I have a default
repository or not. I gather one was not created.

Is the correct procedure, then, to use "cvs init" manually, as mentioned in the
general CVS docs ?


Drew Parsons

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